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Here are some important notes
Self-collection orders - Add +3 working days* for self-collection from respective school's bookshop. Check your book list to ensure there are sufficient collection dates remaining. The cut off timing for each working day is 4pm, hence the +3 starts the next working day if order is made after 4pm or over non-working days.
Delivery orders - Fulfilment is within +7** working days. ** The cut off timing for each working day is 4pm, hence the +7 starts the next working day if order is made after 4pm or over non-working days.
For items without pricing - Are either not fixed by the school/publisher or not available for sale yet. Your child may be notified by the school when it is available, a purchase can be made directly from the school's bookshop.
Purchase of items - via our website does not guarantee stock availability. Stock availability is subjected to the publishers fulfilment ability. Should stock be unavailable during the time of purchase we will provide a receipt for you to collect the out of stock items during school re-opening. (Subjected to availability)
Check your cart before payment - We do not offer refunds. Remember to only select the relevant mother tongue (Tamil/Malay/Chinese) items and check the QTY of all your items.
4-digit unique code - You may locate it from the official book list provided by the school. (At the bottom of the back page)
- For New User, create a new account with your email address as your username. Key in all the required information. Please ensure that the mobile number contact is correct.
- Get Ready your 4 digit Unique Code. This code is printed on the back of your child school's printed booklist (provided by the school). Without this code you will not be able to access the textbooks order page. - If you have children from different levels (Eg: P3 & P6) Please DO NOT mix orders different levels or schools into 1 cart. As our packing is done for each level or school. You will have to make separate orders. Check Out (make payment) for one order and ensure cart is empty before adding the next level or school into your cart.
- Payment modes: PAYNOW & Credit Cards(fees applies)
For more info, please check out our FAQ