HansVision eDictionary PX2181

HansVision eDictionary PX2181

HansVision eDictionary PX2181

HansVision eDictionary PX2181

HansVision eDictionary PX2181
HansVision eDictionary PX2181
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HansVision eDictionary PX2181

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HansVision eDictionary PX2181 (Discontinued)

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Approved for use in Chinese Composition Examinations* by SEAB (Singapore Examinations and Assessment Board) Quicker search based on Pinyin Tones and Bu Sou search Additional resources (Eg: 弟子规,唐诗, 宋词,三字经) 获得新加坡考评局批准可带入考场,进行作文考试 提供智能拼音声调辅助输入及部首输入 更多作文辅助功能,例:唐诗,宋词,三字经,弟子规 This electronic dictionary is designed for students. The primary words, interpretations, sentence constructions, and examples are carefully selected and developed by experts to strictly adhere to standards set by the Ministry of Education. This dictionary completely satisfies the students’ demands in their studies and exams. Though years of extensive experience in Chinese text technology, the search feature is now faster and easier to use. Students can now take full advantage of special search functions such as cross referencing, wildcard searching, searching by Chinese initial consonants or radicals and others. The contains 12,000 sample sentences that are carefully prepared in accordance to the sentence-constructions standards set by the Ministry of Education. Examples that illustrate the correct usage of units, quantities and punctuation marks are also available. A new feature called ‘zoom in each word’ clearly shows each stroke so that you can see and with each word correctly. The PX2181 edictionary comes with 16 dot matrix font for clear and complete display that ensures an easier and comfortable reading. Its voice synthesis technology enables Text-to Speech for primary words so you can listen to the correct pronunciation. Also, the dictionary’s huge vocabulary provides better search results.

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