How does MOE decide on class size
How many students are in a class? The answer will depend on who you ask.
While a typical form class size is around 40 students, here's a snapshot of how schools organise students in different kinds of classes, and why.
tudents can also approach their teachers for one-on-one or small group consultations to clarify doubts and deepen their learning.
We don't use a one-size-fits-all approach to mandate that all schools must have the same class size.
Instead, more teaching resources are deployed to students with greater needs.
Did you know?
The Pupil-Teacher-Ratio (PTR) has improved over the last 10 years. The PTR refers to the total number of students divided by the total number of teachers at a given level.
In 2022, at the primary level, we have about 15 students per teacher; at the secondary level, we have about 12.5 students per teacher.
These ratios are comparable to countries such as the US, UK, Germany, Korea and Japan.
What happens if we reduce class sizes across the board?
Our healthy pupil-teacher ratio (PTR) gives teachers the space to teach as well as spend time on key activities, such as preparing for lessons, CCA involvement, and professional development.